Dear God: A New “Column” with Daphne Richardson

Trust God

Hello Everyone!

I am truly honored to share with you the beautifully: honest, true, private and humble writings of a very dear friend of mine. She and I go way back. We first encountered each other in 6th grade. We were 11 years old to be exact and our friendship has stood the test of time — mis-understandings — and the general messiness of life.

Daphne and I both know that God has plans for us to be a part of each others lives, because it’s obvious that it was not our own doing that brought us here, where we are today.

I recently read listened to A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of “A Course in Miracles” by Marianne Williamson. In her book she mentions writings letters to God. Then, writing a response back to yourself { It’s a form of prayer} When reading the “response” you can not deny that God really does answers prayers and speaks to us — through us!

Daphne has been writing letters to God long before I was introduced to this idea, and here she will be sharing those intimate letters here with us, whenever she feels the call to do so.

If you are familiar with the Law of Attraction you may have heard of the idea of “acting as if” as a way to attract the life, job or material things you believe you want in your life to bring happiness. What Daphne and I know is that pure joy and happiness is already here. It is inside of each of us… because God lives in us.

We work relax into that truth day-in-and-out to remain in alignment with God. Thanking Him for what He has already done for us, in us and what He is doing through us! That in and of itself brings the peace and happiness we are all seeking; that car, house, man, job etc. will only quench your thirst for so long.

We do not act as IF  — We act as it IS

Trusting that if our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. If He really is living inside of us — there can be nothing other than perfection. Jesus said on the cross just before he died gave up His life for us, “It is finished”.

There is nothing for us to do,  other than accept what is ALREADY done.

You. Are. Already _______ {You fill in the blank}

So here you have it. Private Girl with Public Thoughts…


Dear God, Thank You for “Already”…
November 9, 2014

Dear God,

How are you? I’m feeling a bit excited and weird because I’m writing to you on a computer. Normally, Im writing to you in cursive on a legal pad, or a journal, or receipts… So, going digital is new for me, but I still intend to personally write to You.

God thank you for giving me the opportunity and space to freely published my candid thoughts.

My thoughts are full of appreciation towards You! I appreciate and love You for making me in Your image and likeness. Thank you for showing me who I am and my infite potential in You. Thank you for showing me it’s ok for me to let go again… Letting go… That feels really good and exhilarating! It feels like freedom. It feels good because there’s an effortless feeling and knowing that You’re real in me and that I’m not separated from You. It feels good because I know that Your life is effortlessly happening in and through me. It feels good because I don’t have to struggle with the effort of “bringing it to pass”. I love knowing this because my life is already good in You. Already, already… meaning that my life in You exists now and will continue for ever more. My life is already good! Abiding in You and You in I has shown me my whole life and well being through your eyes, and it’s satisfying! My life is full and complete already. There’s nothing missing, nothing absent from me because You are real and You live in me.

I love knowing what I know from You, because I’m free to live and be unconditionally loved and happy. I love knowing that I can stand right here right now and be confidentially and unconditionally happy because my life is already good in You, and I want to say thank you!

Thank you for preparing me, because I know there is much more good to come and happen in my life that I have in You; I receive it and have it right now — already. Thank you for infinitely blessing me with Your life, I accept, allow, appreciate, and love You unconditionally.



Trust GodWhen did you have your “aha” moment and realize that “God’s got this”….? For me it was during the lowest point in my life. Postpartum Depression. Please share in the comments below on Facebook or Twitter use #VainMommyAsks.

See you all soon <3

Christian Mommy, Fulfilled Living
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  • Reply
    November 12, 2014 at 7:15 pm

    Love, “Thank You For Already”. It’s a reminder to believe it and surrender because it already is!

    • Reply
      Raivon Lee
      November 14, 2014 at 9:27 am

      Yes! It is a reminder we all need daily. Thank you for reading. As you know Daphne is very passionate about the “truth” 🙂

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