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plant based diet

Becoming a REAL food family: What is Real Food Anyway?

Amazon…Amazon Prime…Amazon Mom; Everything AMAZON! I’ve been sucked in! One of the perks of Amazon Prime is that I have access to “free” instant videos (Movies, TV and Documentaries).

In the last few days DH and I have watched an array of documentaries about food, lots and lots of food. Vegucated (focuses on the Vegan lifestyle), Food, Inc. (gives the low-down on the food industry in America), Fat Sick & Nearly Dead (follows a man across the country while juice fasting for 60 days) and Forks Over Knives (reveals how and why a plant based diet has proven to be healthier).

Just let me say I’m sure some of my interest in the above is a part of my nesting… I’ve also been going around the house with a glass of bleach and tooth brush looking for any crevice that needs a scrub.

Now where was I?

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