‘Twas the Night Before my External Cephalic Version

I’m freaking out… I really didn’t realize the extent of my hate (or is it fear) of hospitals even for an out-patient procedure. I just read a blog post  that describes my perfect nightmare during an ECV. The lack of control, random strangers being invited into your room, the infliction of pain…someone being rough with my baby… The drugs you’re given that say NOT to give to pregnant women ( Terbutaline).

I spend a little too much time online researching and that’s not always a good thing!

I’m praying that LO will turn tonight and we can cancel this entire thing. I am not looking forward to the morning. But in the back of my mind I know that if the ECV is successful I will be very relieved at least for a while…until I start worrying that he will flip back.

I tell you, it’s ALWAYS something!

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  • Reply
    December 22, 2012 at 10:47 pm

    Hi Raivon. I’m so sorry my blog post wasn’t encouraging. If it’s any consolation, the farther away I get from the experience, the happier I am that we chose to do it. It was hard, but it was over quickly, and now I have a MUCH higher chance of NOT having to have repeat c-sections over the course of my life. At my follow up appointment with my midwife, I was talking to her about how scared I was for my baby during the procedure and she said: “well, remember that babies get pushed through vaginas and make it through just fine. They can handle a lot.” which is so true. Their tiny bones are so soft in our bodies still. At first I said I would never do an ECV again, but now I think I would. Also, some women don’t even feel pain during the procedure! That could be you!
    I’ll check back and be praying the best for you!

    • Reply
      December 23, 2012 at 12:07 am

      Hi! No need to apologize, I really appreciate that you were honest and open with your experience. I believe it’s better for me to be realistically prepared. I really don’t find comfort in people just telling me everything will “be fine”; even though they mean well 🙂 You make a good point babies go through a lot! We mommy’s aren’t the only ones that go through labor our LO’s are in it with us. And ECV is definitely worth it to avoid future C-Sections.
      Thank you for your kind words and prayers I’ll be updating soon. OH! and Congrats on your soon to be baby 🙂

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