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Resources & Recommendations

Summer Learning Inspiration for Kids: July Edition

Love these! Summer activities for kids. July learning activities

This post may contain affiliate links.Not your same old, July Summer Activities for Kids! Eat, love, admire and discover! Wonderful for homeschooled preschoolers


It’s July — officially summer! Keep your children’s blossoming minds engaged and growing this summer!

These National Holidays are specific to the month of July. You can run in many directions with these holidays: create crafts, have fun in the kitchen, get outside, read books, find great YouTube videos (little ones) & documentaries (older children) to share, discuss values and character traits!

These topics will surely inspire many conversations and activities with your children.

July Summer Activities for Children

July is:

Culinary Arts month
Ice cream month. Make ice cream! Experiment with different flavors. Create your own flavor?! Get scientific research freezing temperature.
National Picnic Month. Get outside, break bread together & eat that yummy ice cream you made.

More National Holidays to Share!

July 12th: Malala Day
July 18th Nelson Mandela International Day
July 20th: National Moon Day
July 24th: National Cousins Day
July 26th: National Aunts and Uncles Day
July 30th International Day of Friendship

While you and your children enjoy an evening picnic, sharing ice cream, staring at the moon, chatting about Malala and Nelson — make sure they celebrate the aunts, uncles, friends and/or cousins in their lives as well!

Be inspired.
Raivon Lee,
Vain Mommy

Holidays, HomeSchooling, Resources & Recommendations

Active Moms Guide: Everything You Need for Stress Free Summer Outings with Kids!

Make getting out of the house with kids easier. Summer Essentials for kids! Checklist

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Some good recommendations on this list! Summer checklist for kids, new moms. Everything you need to make survive summer outings with the kids.

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Hello there! How are ya? Hot?!

It’s mid June, but it feels like it’s been summer for a few months here in Atlanta!

Summer solstice is upon us. Wednesday June 21, 2017 will be the longest day of the year and the official start of summa, summa, summa, TIME!

My preschooler (4), my almost toddler (gosh she’s growing so quickly) and I, make a point to leave the house every single day. Funny that they call us HOMEschoolers and stay-at-HOME-moms. Home is not where you want to be stuck with little humans all day, every day!

We frequent parks, playgrounds, the zoo, splash-pads, and many many nature walks.

Oh how I wish, leaving the house was an effortless pursuit. BUT it is not; because, I have these crazy intentions of keeping my crew happy, fed, safe, healthy, clean… well, let’s just say ALIVE — Oh, I also enjoy maintaining my sanity.

This takes preparation!

After four years and many failed outings (because I forgot that one thing, that could have made my life so much easier) I’m finally getting the hang of it!

To pay it forward, I’ve complied this list! Big kid, toddler and/or baby necessities I wish I had my first summer as a mom. Read More »

Resources & Recommendations

Top 4 Ways To Find Kid-Friendly Media: TV Shows, Movies, Games, Books & Apps

This post may contain affiliate links.Top 4 Ways to find kid-safe media

As much as I might not like to admit it, especially in a few of my mommy circles — I allow screen time. I even enjoy screen time. My son is actually able to retain useful information through screen time!


There I said it.

Our family enjoys movie night. Even though we rarely finish a movie in one sitting or day or week. We snuggle up on the sofa, with lots of blankets — we love those times.

Media has also been a wonderful adjunct to homeschool.

BUT — not just any TV show, movie, game, app or book will suffice. Even when a program is rated G, there is often content that I don’t find appropriate for my littles. I also find myself editing out words like “hate” when reading picture books to my 4-year-old.


I have found 4 very reliable resources, that make it super easy to find the very best family shows on TV & kid-friendly TV shows! Plus, books, apps, movies, and games! 

How to Find Kid-friendly Media to Enhance Your Homeschool.

1) Common Sense Media! 

 It’s FREE.

This is an invaluable resource. All in one place you will find movies, books, TV shows, games, websites, books and apps that can be filtered by age.

Check out their “BEST OF” LISTS. I enjoy their Best for Learning: Our Recommendations for Families.

While signing up make sure to “select” that you are an educator! They actually have a, “Home-school parent” option, and you will receive helpful emails if you so choose.

Common sense media is a one stop shop for finding safe, age and value appropriate media for your family; that will also support your learning objectives!

To be honest I also pre-screen the movies hubby and I watch. There are just somethings I don’t want to hear or see.


Facebook is really useful these days. I think I am in more groups than I have friends!

There is a wonderful homeschooling group called Christian Homeschooling with Amazon, Netflix, YouTube, Roku and more. In this group you can ask for recommendations from other homeschooling parents.  You will also find warnings about media that they found inappropriate for their families.

While you are there, like my page!

3) PureFlix

PureFlix does the work for you by only providing media that is inline with their standards.

“PureFlix Digital strives to be the most trusted faith and family friendly streaming video source on the web for PCs, iOS, Android, Roku and many more devices…”

“Our mix of family friendly & wholesome entertainment includes movies for all ages, kid’s animated titles, documentaries, how-to’s, hobbies, educational, health & fitness, sports, outdoors and travel plus many inspirational and devotional titles. We provide a wholesome viewing experience for your entire family. We believe that given a choice, people want to be able to stream wholesome, family friendly titles that carry a great message.”

4) VidAngel.

VidAngel is good for families that want to enjoy mainstream media, but with out the crap! YOU choose what you want to filter out!

“VidAngel is a streaming service that allows customers to filter potentially objectionable content out of their movies and TV shows. Each movie and show costs only $1 after sell back. The customer buys the movie for $20 (because ownership of the movie is necessary in order to legally filter the content) and then within 24 hours, VidAngel buys it back for $19.”

Screen time definitely has a time and place in our home, but I still suffer from screen time guilt.

But the resources I’ve listed reassures me, because I know the media my children consume is inline with our values. That takes a bit of the guilt away — and everything in moderation, right?

Also remember  … Media is better, when enjoyed together!

I hope this helps,


Raivon Lee
The Vain Mommy 


HomeSchooling, Resources & Recommendations

Create Your Own Homeschool Curriculum in 5 Steps! {Here’s how I did it}

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I really want to make our own homeschool curriculum! How to make your own homeschool curriculum in 5 easy steps


Last week we learned our homeschooling style. I say we because I’m doing this right along with you!

This week, now that you know your family’s approach we will put that knowledge to work.

We are an Eclectic Home Schooling family with a strong emphasis toward the Charlotte Mason Method. I’ve been digging through Curriculum Reviews, (which is oddly fulfilling) but, even with ALL the options out there, I haven’t found the one Curriculum that feels right for our family.

I’m a planner. I function best knowing where I’m headed. Having a framework in place keeps me sane, organized and prepared. With that said, I also enjoy being need to be in control. I don’t like someone or any particular curriculum telling me what I must accomplish during any one day, week, month or year.

So, I’m creating our very own curriculum! Please know, that when I say “curriculum” I simply mean, what and how we will be learning during our school year.

This is how I’m creating our own! Read More »

HomeSchooling, Resources & Recommendations