Active Moms Guide: Everything You Need for Stress Free Summer Outings with Kids!

Make getting out of the house with kids easier. Summer Essentials for kids! Checklist

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Some good recommendations on this list! Summer checklist for kids, new moms. Everything you need to make survive summer outings with the kids.

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Hello there! How are ya? Hot?!

It’s mid June, but it feels like it’s been summer for a few months here in Atlanta!

Summer solstice is upon us. Wednesday June 21, 2017 will be the longest day of the year and the official start of summa, summa, summa, TIME!

My preschooler (4), my almost toddler (gosh she’s growing so quickly) and I, make a point to leave the house every single day. Funny that they call us HOMEschoolers and stay-at-HOME-moms. Home is not where you want to be stuck with little humans all day, every day!

We frequent parks, playgrounds, the zoo, splash-pads, and many many nature walks.

Oh how I wish, leaving the house was an effortless pursuit. BUT it is not; because, I have these crazy intentions of keeping my crew happy, fed, safe, healthy, clean… well, let’s just say ALIVE — Oh, I also enjoy maintaining my sanity.

This takes preparation!

After four years and many failed outings (because I forgot that one thing, that could have made my life so much easier) I’m finally getting the hang of it!

To pay it forward, I’ve complied this list! Big kid, toddler and/or baby necessities I wish I had my first summer as a mom.

Checklist For New Moms: Essentials You Need for Summer Activities & Summer Fun with Kids!

A few things for YOU! Because you deserve a little attention too!

1- Contigo Travel Coffee Mug

I love my mug! I love my coffee. I love not having to worry about losing my coffee to spills! I also need my coffee iced (or hot in the winter) lukewarm room-temp coffee isn’t my thing. This mug keeps coffee at your desired temp for HOURS! 5 hrs for hot and 12 for cold! Also if you take your own mug to most coffee shops they will give you a discount! (Purchased from Costco)

2- Fitbit, get credit for being active

If you are going to be out and about with the kids, why not get credit for all of those steps! Having a Fitbit is so motivating and it syncs with MyFitnessPal (I’m a calorie counter)! Seeing my activity makes me feel a lot less guilty if I miss the gym. (My first Fitbit was from Costco, my 2nd from Amazon)

3- Saucony Bullet Sneaker

I love these shoes. They are comfy but also stylish, they really pull the mommy uniform together. And there are MANY colors to choose from. (Purchased from Amazon)

4- Sunglasses aka. wrinkle prevention

Shades are a MUST HAVE. Stylish and affordable. Affordable because, if they aren’t being ripped from my face, they are crashing down against cement. ALSO squinting gives me horrible headaches and it’s causes wrinkles… I don’t need help getting wrinkles. (Purchased from Amazon)

Best Sunscreen for baby. toddler, family.

5- The best outdoor/jogging stroller ever!

If you haven’t heard of the BOB stroller — hear me NOW! I love this thing, we have had it for 4 years and it is holding up wonderfully. The reason I love my BOB is because it’s so SMOOTH, easy to push and maneuver with ONE hand. No carpel tunnel over here! Unlike the Britax we have that’s collecting dust. (Purchased from Amazon)


The Best jogging stroller BOB

Four years ago, and we are still using it today! Frequently!

ORGANIZE. If you have a place to put it, you’ll know were to find it. QUICKLY

1- Stroller organizer

We have this for our BOB Stroller. The drink holder and pocket come in really handy. (Purchased from Amazon)

2- Stroller Hooks

Because we only have two hands!! These are huge! I’ve hooked grocery bags, my friends bags etc.

3- Trunk Organizer

I love this. Since we are frequently on the go, I pre-pack our car with: extra clothing, water toys, sun hats, bug spray, shelf stable snacks etc. I organize using this, instead of shoving every thing into a bag.

4- Cute Diaper Bag

I was using my husbands manly bag for a few months, but since I don’t have the luxury of using a purse anymore (Because, kids.) I thought it a good idea to have a diaper bag that I wasn’t embarrassed of. AND it comes with stroller straps, meaning I can attach it to my stroller with ease. (Purchased from Amazon)

EAT! Why do they want to eat every single day?

1- Reusable place mats

We really don’t know whats happened on the tables we use. There are disposable place mats available, but I try to keep my “green on”. These are silicone and sticky enough that my baby can’t pull it off too easily, and easy to rinse. (Purchased from Amazon)

3- Kids Contigo Water bottles

Stainless steel so no plastic worries and it keeps their beverage nice and cold! (Purchased from Costco)

The best water bottle for kids. Spill proof

Contigo water bottle and versatile summer shoes Native Jefferson

4- XXL Waterproof picnic blanket

Because no one wants a wet tushy, I also like the large size, my crawler stays on it more easily. (Purchased from Costco)

PROTECT! Safe sun is the best sun!

1- Clip on Stroller Fan

It’s hot our there y’all! I don’t want my baby over heating. (Purchased from Amazon)

2- Stroller mosquito net

I also have one of these for our play-yard. Because, Zika, West Nile, and who knows what will be on the news next?! (Purchased from Amazon)

3- Perfect Summer Carrier for under 40 bucks!

Sometimes baby want to be held or you decide to leave the stroller behind. We also have an Ergo Carrier but it’s just too warm. This carrier is under 40 BUCKS!!!!! Is light and breathable. (Purchased from Amazon)

4- The BEST Sunscreen

Of course for my children but also for me. I’ve invested a bit of $$ in post pregnancy skin repair. (Purchased from Amazon)

5- Sunhats for the entire family!

Love these! They had a back that provides protection for the neck but also make it really easy to wear while in the stroller since there is no brim in the way. Super easy to pack. (Purchased from Amazon)

The Best sunhat for babies and children even adults!The Sunday Afternoon sunhat

6- Stylish water friendly kicks

We frequent the splash pads, Ari has had native every summer. They are stylish and versatile… he wears them to children’s church and gets no side-eye lol. (Purchased from Amazon)

7- Keep the insects away!

Deet! I know but, as I mentioned above.⇑Zika, West Nile. I used this to spray clothing or the stroller itself, not our skin. (Purchased from Costco)

Summer insect spray. Moms checklist

Make shopping easy! With all these outings, don’t leave the house more than you have to!

1- Amazon Prime Membership

So many benefits! My favorites are: 2 day shipping and FREE returns, the music with NO commercials (gym-time), PRIME Movies and TV (lots of educational options for my child)

2- Costco Membership

Buy in bulk, shop less often. Costco and Amazon are where we make 99% of our purchases. Also, Costco does the seasonal thing well. If I go now it’s much like this list — everything needed for summer.

OK. I think that’s it! Gotta run, baby crying!

Happy Summer Solstice! 
Raivon Lee
Vain Mommy

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  • Reply
    April Kitchens
    June 23, 2017 at 2:36 pm

    You thought of all the things! Costco membership and a stroller fan is a must.

    • Reply
      Raivon Lee
      June 23, 2017 at 5:23 pm

      You know it! Thanks for reading!

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