Beautifully Scarred: 7 Reasons Why I Love My C-Section Scar

Why I love my c-section scar

I know that many of us don’t find scars (which are considered imperfections) to be a gift. After all we are bombarded with advertisements for products to make them disappear.

I, on the other hand wouldn’t remove my scar for the world. When I look at my scar I see a beauty mark. So many beautiful emotions flood my heart and I can’t help but smile.

Here is why . . .

7 Reasons Why I Love My Scar

  1. It reminds me that Life Does Not Always Go As Planned — and that is okay. Although I wanted nothing more than to have a home-birth my C-Section was an amazing experience. Honestly, I wouldn’t have changed it. The end result was my healthy baby boy. Sometimes when our plans go off course it’s best to sit back and enjoy the ride. Trust that God is in control and that you will get where you need to be — often times you end up being in a better place than imagined.
  2. Time Heals. Literally and figuratively. My scar has gone from looking like I was cut open with a butcher knife (which I guess is basically true) to barely noticeable. In the same way, time is also heals emotional wounds. At one point I SWORE I’d NEVER get pregnant again. Still the idea nauseates me but as time goes on the negative feelings are less intense.
  3. Beauty is in The Eye of the Beholder. My scar is beautiful — to ME. In my eyes. As I grow I try to look at the world through MY eyes alone.
  4. My Body is Amazing. I had a baby growing inside of me and he was pulled out through that scar. It amazes me.
  5. Dr. Bootstaylor ROCKS. He did an amazing job stitching me up 🙂 Not only does he have a wonderful bedside manner (I’ll have to share my birth story with you all) He’s an amazing C-Section-ist. Or OB if you are fancy.
  6. You Never Know Until You Go — through something for yourself. I know that C-Sections are horrible for some women but mine was perfection. The feeling of the needle going into my spine was amazing, it didn’t hurt a bit and took the pain of those HORRID contractions away in the blink of an eye. Minutes later my baby boy was in my arms. I only stayed in the hospital for one day and even at home my recovery was easy. I am also less judgmental even though I thought I was before. I’ve gone through SO much since getting pregnant and I will never pass judgement on any one because honestly I don’t know if or when I will be in her shoes.
  7. My Sweet Baby Boy. Through that scar my sweet baby boy was given to me. He has given me a new lease on life. Without him I would not consider myself to be a mental health advocate, this blog would truly be about a VainMommy and lack substance, my view of life would still be shallow, I’d still be afraid of my voice, and I wouldn’t know the amazing women I’ve met through play-dates, support groups etc.

Ari has made my life a life worth living. God knew exactly what He was doing; I can see that even through all of the pain.

In my opinion my birth scarred me for the better.

How do you feel about your body post pregnancy?

Fulfilled Living, Pregnancy
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  • Reply
    August 7, 2014 at 11:50 am

    I love this. I have had two C sections for both of my children and I also love my scars it really helps me to explain to my 7 year old how she was borned and helps her to understand where babies are made. It also reminds me of how an amazing and powerful human being I am and the ability to heal not just physically but mentally and emotionally. My scar also reminds me that life is never as you predict it and that it is an illusion that you think you have control but you don’t because God has already drew up our blueprint for our lives. Thanks for sharing. I love your blog.

    • Reply
      Raivon Lee
      August 7, 2014 at 12:53 pm

      Hi Oma,

      Thanks so much for your comment. I couldn’t agree more. It’s amazing how much perspective our little ones add to our lives. In ways I couldn’t have even dreamed up if I tried!

  • Reply
    Ros Emely
    August 7, 2014 at 9:23 pm

    I love this post! I had a csection last year when I gave birth to my twins and I never look at it like is a bad thing. I always think that is part of my life, is the reason my twins are here and I do not feel ashamed of it. When I look at myself in the mirror and see my scar I feel beautiful and i do not feel alone because I know there are other mommies like me. Thank you for this reminder!

    • Reply
      Raivon Lee
      August 8, 2014 at 3:35 pm

      Hi Ros,

      Yes, it’s a part of our story!

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