Why we Chose what we Chose: Prefolds, Covers & Detergents

I recently shared in Prefolds, Covers & Detergents OH MY, the choices we made to start our cloth diapering stash. Now lets get into how we finally came to those decisions; which I’m sure you know is no easy feat with so many choices and opinions out there!


GMD PrefoldsChoosing prefolds was the easiest decision for us. Hands down Green Mountain Diaper Prefolds have the BEST reputation among moms, and all those mommas can’t be wrong. We have their Cloth-eez Bleached Prefolds. We are starting with the orange edged (newborn) which fits newborns 5-10lbs. Oh, we bought 2 dozen to start.

Hear how we made our “Prefold Soup” to prep our prefolds.


I did my fair share of research on diaper covers as well, but I happened to stumble upon

Bumkin Diaper Cover

No cloth liner easy to wipe clean…quick drying!

Bumkins Cloth Diaper Covers on Zulily for a great price! Once we received our order we decided they would work for us. I love that there’s no cloth on the inside; they can be wiped clean if needed and easily washed by hand, they will also air dry quickly. With these you only really need to wash if soiled.


We chose snaps because forum moms complained of lint getting caught in Velcro/Aplix and said that it didn’t last as long.


Bumkins covers come in two sizes; newborn and one size. We choose “one size” an adjustable system that fits 9-35lbs well into toddler-hood. Unless we have a chunky little fellow :). We do have newborn covers BUT we were given some disposables that we will use until all meconium has passed.


Deciding on a detergent is what nearly put me over the edge! Sooo many variables and opinions. Is your water hard or soft, what type of washer do you have, does it contain enzymes, brighteners, what can babies tush handle it????

I was very close to buying an expensive brand that could only be ordered online but when I Cloth Diaper Detergentreally thought about it the two most important factors were affordability and accessibility.
Publix free and clear came to the rescue and seemed like a great option for us.
Pin stripes and Polka Dots gave it 4 stars ( 5 being the best) and that was good enough for me!

Not sure how it will all work out for our little guy but I will keep you all posted!

Have any of you used any of these products with success or failure even?



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