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Top 4 Ways To Find Kid-Friendly Media: TV Shows, Movies, Games, Books & Apps

This post may contain affiliate links.Top 4 Ways to find kid-safe media

As much as I might not like to admit it, especially in a few of my mommy circles — I allow screen time. I even enjoy screen time. My son is actually able to retain useful information through screen time!


There I said it.

Our family enjoys movie night. Even though we rarely finish a movie in one sitting or day or week. We snuggle up on the sofa, with lots of blankets — we love those times.

Media has also been a wonderful adjunct to homeschool.

BUT — not just any TV show, movie, game, app or book will suffice. Even when a program is rated G, there is often content that I don’t find appropriate for my littles. I also find myself editing out words like “hate” when reading picture books to my 4-year-old.


I have found 4 very reliable resources, that make it super easy to find the very best family shows on TV & kid-friendly TV shows! Plus, books, apps, movies, and games! 

How to Find Kid-friendly Media to Enhance Your Homeschool.

1) Common Sense Media! 

 It’s FREE.

This is an invaluable resource. All in one place you will find movies, books, TV shows, games, websites, books and apps that can be filtered by age.

Check out their “BEST OF” LISTS. I enjoy their Best for Learning: Our Recommendations for Families.

While signing up make sure to “select” that you are an educator! They actually have a, “Home-school parent” option, and you will receive helpful emails if you so choose.

Common sense media is a one stop shop for finding safe, age and value appropriate media for your family; that will also support your learning objectives!

To be honest I also pre-screen the movies hubby and I watch. There are just somethings I don’t want to hear or see.


Facebook is really useful these days. I think I am in more groups than I have friends!

There is a wonderful homeschooling group called Christian Homeschooling with Amazon, Netflix, YouTube, Roku and more. In this group you can ask for recommendations from other homeschooling parents.  You will also find warnings about media that they found inappropriate for their families.

While you are there, like my page!

3) PureFlix

PureFlix does the work for you by only providing media that is inline with their standards.

“PureFlix Digital strives to be the most trusted faith and family friendly streaming video source on the web for PCs, iOS, Android, Roku and many more devices…”

“Our mix of family friendly & wholesome entertainment includes movies for all ages, kid’s animated titles, documentaries, how-to’s, hobbies, educational, health & fitness, sports, outdoors and travel plus many inspirational and devotional titles. We provide a wholesome viewing experience for your entire family. We believe that given a choice, people want to be able to stream wholesome, family friendly titles that carry a great message.”

4) VidAngel.

VidAngel is good for families that want to enjoy mainstream media, but with out the crap! YOU choose what you want to filter out!

“VidAngel is a streaming service that allows customers to filter potentially objectionable content out of their movies and TV shows. Each movie and show costs only $1 after sell back. The customer buys the movie for $20 (because ownership of the movie is necessary in order to legally filter the content) and then within 24 hours, VidAngel buys it back for $19.”

Screen time definitely has a time and place in our home, but I still suffer from screen time guilt.

But the resources I’ve listed reassures me, because I know the media my children consume is inline with our values. That takes a bit of the guilt away — and everything in moderation, right?

Also remember  … Media is better, when enjoyed together!

I hope this helps,


Raivon Lee
The Vain Mommy 


HomeSchooling, Resources & Recommendations

How to Discover Memorial Day & Any Holiday With Your Preschooler

Memorial Day Activities for Preschoolers

I love this! Ways to celebrate memorial day with your child. Using the conversational method . I

Holidays are a wonderful time to diversify your homeschool learning experience; providing an opportunity to introduce new ideas, concepts, vocabulary etc. that may not be introduced otherwise.

My son is 4 (Pre-K), we are homeschooling and aren’t following any particular curriculum. At this young age my focus is on EXPOSURE. Exposing Ari to the world around him, sharing facts and following his interests. This adds depth that no one curriculum could. Read More »

Holidays, Learning & Discovering

Excited to Homeschool — But I Will Miss a Few Things about Public School

After last weeks heavy post on creating a curriculum — Believing I had it ALL figured out — to NOW — being more confused than ever — I’m gonna lighten things up a bit this week!

Our son is 4. He’s currently enrolled in a 3 half-day a week program at a local private school. As the school year comes to an end I’m realizing that this could be our last traditional school year for sometime. That realization is both exciting and saddening. I have very fond memories of Ari’s time in school. Here are a few highlights.

First day of school teacher gifts
Tiger Costume face paint
Tiger Costume
4th birthday shirt
Thanksgiving Day Placemat
Thanksgiving Placemat. He was MOST thankful for my step-dog! Bruce E Lee
His sweet hand
print. I'll miss the
His sweet toes!
Sweet Hand Prints
O. M. Geeee! This melts my heart every time! Its a tile or coaster 🙂
IMG_8916 (1)
Mothers day
that I had no
were on their way!
Yes, he believes
i'm 44.
First Day
Teacher Gifts
Getting my PINTEREST on showing appreciation for our wonderful teachers!
I must admit,
I may miss the
3 hrs I've had away
from this
mischievous lil guy
The super cute performances!! My little tiger!
Circus Day
4th Birthday!
Class birthday celebrations! They are so cute simple and fast!
Christmas Performance
It's fuzzy
but my
lil guy was
a Shepard
in his Christmas
They sang
away in a manger!
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HomeSchooling, Perspective & How To's

Create Your Own Homeschool Curriculum in 5 Steps! {Here’s how I did it}

This post may contain affiliate links.

I really want to make our own homeschool curriculum! How to make your own homeschool curriculum in 5 easy steps


Last week we learned our homeschooling style. I say we because I’m doing this right along with you!

This week, now that you know your family’s approach we will put that knowledge to work.

We are an Eclectic Home Schooling family with a strong emphasis toward the Charlotte Mason Method. I’ve been digging through Curriculum Reviews, (which is oddly fulfilling) but, even with ALL the options out there, I haven’t found the one Curriculum that feels right for our family.

I’m a planner. I function best knowing where I’m headed. Having a framework in place keeps me sane, organized and prepared. With that said, I also enjoy being need to be in control. I don’t like someone or any particular curriculum telling me what I must accomplish during any one day, week, month or year.

So, I’m creating our very own curriculum! Please know, that when I say “curriculum” I simply mean, what and how we will be learning during our school year.

This is how I’m creating our own! Read More »

HomeSchooling, Resources & Recommendations

Homeschooling? What If I do — What If I Don’t??

deciding to homeschool is no light decision it can be scary!

“Stop being afraid of what could go wrong, and focus on what could go right”


Have you ever been so excited to take a new path? You are positive you’ve made the right choice, and are ready to dive in? BUT for some reason FEAR still lingers?

This is exactly how I feel about homeschooling. 

I”m sold! I’m pumped! I stand firmly behind our reasoning. I’m ready to dive in. I am super excited and I feel alive!

But man — these fears won’t stop scampering around in my head!

What if….

Ari isn’t socialized  —  falls “behind” — is awkward — the naysayers and side-eyers are right — I hate it — I suck at it — I fail my child — he hates being homeschooled AND me?!

I remind myself that, at this moment in time homeschooling is the best choice, because it’s a decision made out of pure love and concern for my child.

Thankfully, fear doesn’t discriminate. It lives on both sides of the tracks, and provides a great line up of positive what-ifs.

On The Flip Side. What if…

I don’t homeschool — Ari hates traditional school — he’s labeled negatively for being an individual — he falls “behind” because his style of learning isn’t recognized — he’s mistreated like many children are — I miss out on the precious time we could have together — I miss out on his firsts — strangers and other children have a greater influence on him than we do — what if I look back in regret?

Fear comes with life, no one can escape it. BUT. Being grounded in faith I have the courage to move forward confidently even though fear stares me straight in the eye. Knowing, even if I fail all things will work together for good … 

Homeschooling is crazy to many people. Heck, it was crazy to me just a few short months ago! You couldn’t pay some parents to homeschool. They know it would not work for their family. And, that is why we each have our own path in life (say’s past follower and people pleaser). Being a mom to my son and daughter was no accident. I truly believe it is my calling and homeschooling is simply an extension of that calling. I really feel that in my heart.

There are many what-ifs that make me nervous. But I also know that it’s because I want to do right by my child.


 Hands down, the what-ifs of — NOT– homeschooling scare me more!

What is/was your greatest fear about homeschooling or not homeschooling?



HomeSchooling, Perspective & How To's

4 Simple Ways To Celebrate Earth Day With Your Kids

Great Ways to celebrate Earth Day with your children

This post may contain affiliate links.Celebrate Earth Day with your kids!


Today is EARTH DAY! It’s actually our first time officially celebrating. Since deciding to homeschool my brain works in an entirely new way. I now see all moments even the mundane, as teachable moments — opportunities to present new ideas for Ari to discover. These moments may seem insignificant on there own but he will be able to make connections as he discovers more over his lifetime — and all of these little pieces will fit together beautifully!

Our learning approach around here is to learn through real life experiences {Charlotte Mason Method}. This works really well for our 4-year-old.

4 Simple Ways To Acknowledge Earth Day With Your Homeschooler

1- Well it is EARTH DAY. Why not learn how the earth came to be? We read the story of creation, from Ari’s favorite children’s bible! Greg reads to him and then we follow-up with opened ended questions. What happened? What was your favorite part?  This is referred to as narration in the Charlotte mason method. Narration is an amazing thing, because if a child can communicate to you what you shared with him, then he’s actually retained that information!

2- WALK! Instead of driving the car and contributing to the pollution of the Earth we walked to the local farmers market. We killed two birds with one stone here (ugh the word “killed” on Earth Day) because we also discussed the importance buying local. Which tied back into not driving when possible. We asked Ari what are some other ways we can travel. Walk, bike, scooter, wagon, stroller and public transit.

3- I think that Ari enjoyed this the best. We skipped bath! To save water! The next morning Ari ran into the bathroom when Greg was showering and told him to, “Get out of the shower! We need to save water to help the earth!”

4- What happens to all of our trash? We happened to have a book from the library on recycling. We read it together and even I learned something new!

We also find short age appropriate videos on YouTube. Video’s work really well for Ari, although technology isn’t recommended in the Charlotte Mason Method, I think of my child first.

As Ari get’s older we could take the very same topics above dig in deeper!

To me, the most important part of discovering new things is to take the subject with you when you are going about your day. It doesn’t need to be a fancy lesson plan. Living is learning! 

How do you celebrate Earth Day?

Happy Earth Day!


Celebrate earth day with your child!


Holidays, Learning & Discovering