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50 FREE Atlanta Area Homeschool Field Trips!

FREE Homeschool Fieldtrips in around Atlanta GA


As a homeschooling mom of little ones, a four and one year old; it seems like most everyday is the perfect day for a field trip! Life as a stay-at-home-life is just so much easier when we aren’t trapped inside all day. A change of scenery helps Ari focus and being in a new environment allows for unlimited discover, learning and fun!

Recently, this great list of Free Atlanta Area Fields Trips was shared with me. USA TEST PREP divides their list into Science, Social Studies and Other. I couldn’t ask for a better resource. I can not believe we have only been to Fernbank Science Center and Dunwoody Nature Center. Maybe I too comfortable dishing out $$$?

Once my children are a little older and nap isn’t a must, we will venture out a bit further from the city.

You can find the full list of Free Fields Trips here on USA TEST PREP’s website .

Do you know of any other free homeschool Field Trips” in and around Atlanta GA? Please Share!

Ari tossing rocks in the creek at Dunwoody Nature Center.

Raivon Lee,
Vain Mommy



I “Had it All” & Didn’t Even Know it! It Could Happen to Your Too.

What if you already have it all. Ask yourself these questions

Do you have it ALL? Are you living your dream life. You just might be. Questions to ask yourself

“Live your truth. Express your love. Share your enthusiasm. Take action towards your dreams. Walk your talk. Dance and sing to your music. Embrace your blessings. Make today worth remembering.” 
― Steve Maraboli, Unapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the Human Experience

Whose life are you living?  What would you want for yourself, if you didn’t know what others want or have? Could you be living your dream life, already? Do you have it all?

These are questions I’ve been asking myself a lot lately.

I’m 32. I’ve “technically” been an adult for some time now. As an adult I’ve heard it said many times, that we as women can indeed “have it all”. Typically that means the husband, kids, and career. While it’s meant to empower, that statement has always torn me down.

I clearly remember  watching Good Morning America when they featured the book Lean In. What a confusing day for me.

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HomeSchooling, Mommy Life

Pre-K & Kindergarten Art & Resources: Giuseppe Arcimboldo


I’ve been using “What your kindergartener Needs to Know” as our homeschool foundation and for lesson plan inspiration.

All in one Homeschool curriculumIt’s truly a wonderful book. It includes Visual Arts, but I wanted to expound upon what it offered. So, last week the kids and I took a walk to our library. Actually I walked, Tav was pushed in the stroller and Ari drove his Power Wheels ATV. People really get a kick out of seeing his “ride” parked by the library door!

Not all trips to the library are fruitful but this one was! While digging through the shelves I came across The Art Book for Children”



My goal with Visual Arts, & Music is simply, exposure. I love the way “The Art Book for Children” makes is so simple for me to provide that exposure. Read More »

HomeSchooling, Kindergarten Art

The Best Way to Schedule Homeschool for Little Ones & One Great Resource to Get it Done

Easy Homeschooling Schedule For Kindergarten

How to schedule your homeschool day for younger children


I believe the most important part of having success with homeschool is scheduling. Even more important than knowing your homeschool style/philosophy. I didn’t always think this way, but having a schedule that works for my family, grounds us. I am able to easily plug-in the information I’d like to “teach”. Without a schedule, lesson plans are anything but grounded. Instead our plans are like papers blowing in the wind, and I’m frantically chasing and gathering them trying to figure out what goes where.

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HomeSchooling, Perspective & How To's

6 (MORE) Homeschool Quotes: Trusting Our Children.

Trust my child, trust my child, trust my child!


Trust MY bouncing off the wall child?

Could it be possible that he could play an active role in his education; can I trust his individuality to lead the way? Should I trust him to figure things out for himself, instead of throwing solutions his way; can he learn even when I am not “teaching” him?

I think the answer is YES!

I don’t know about you but I often struggle with the idea of trusting my child. Not because of him; but because (as you will read in the first quote) I was taught not to trust myself. I believe we all were.

My children are continually providing me a priceless education; Much more than I thought possible and our journey has only just begun.

Great homeschool quote! To trust children we must learn to trust ourselves... and most of us were taught as children that we could not be trusted. -John Holt

“To trust children we must learn to trust ourselves… and most of us were taught as children that we could not be trusted”. -John Holt


Child-Led learning Homeschool quote. "Children make their own paths into the unknown. Paths that we would never think of making for them." John Holt

“Children make their own paths into the unknown. Paths that we would never think of making for them.” John Holt


World schooling homeschool quotes "Children learn from anything and everything they see. They learn wherever they are, not just in special learning places." John Holt

“Children learn from anything and everything they see. They learn wherever they are, not just in special learning places.” John Holt


Homeschool quotes. Interest-led. "You will not reap the fruit of individuality in your children if you clone their education." Marilyn Howshall

“You will not reap the fruit of individuality in your children if you clone their education.” Marilyn Howshall


Homeschool Quotes "Too often we give children answers to remember rather than problems to solve." Rodger Lewin

“Too often we give children answers to remember rather than problems to solve.” Rodger Lewin

Happy Homeschooling

Raivon Lee
The Vain Mommy


Summer Learning Inspiration for Kids: July Edition

Love these! Summer activities for kids. July learning activities

This post may contain affiliate links.Not your same old, July Summer Activities for Kids! Eat, love, admire and discover! Wonderful for homeschooled preschoolers


It’s July — officially summer! Keep your children’s blossoming minds engaged and growing this summer!

These National Holidays are specific to the month of July. You can run in many directions with these holidays: create crafts, have fun in the kitchen, get outside, read books, find great YouTube videos (little ones) & documentaries (older children) to share, discuss values and character traits!

These topics will surely inspire many conversations and activities with your children.

July Summer Activities for Children

July is:

Culinary Arts month
Ice cream month. Make ice cream! Experiment with different flavors. Create your own flavor?! Get scientific research freezing temperature.
National Picnic Month. Get outside, break bread together & eat that yummy ice cream you made.

More National Holidays to Share!

July 12th: Malala Day
July 18th Nelson Mandela International Day
July 20th: National Moon Day
July 24th: National Cousins Day
July 26th: National Aunts and Uncles Day
July 30th International Day of Friendship

While you and your children enjoy an evening picnic, sharing ice cream, staring at the moon, chatting about Malala and Nelson — make sure they celebrate the aunts, uncles, friends and/or cousins in their lives as well!

Be inspired.
Raivon Lee,
Vain Mommy

Holidays, HomeSchooling, Resources & Recommendations